Haus am Hirschberg | Appartments Ski Amade

Weather in Austria

The weather in Salzburger Land is similar to that of the Czech Republic. However, it is advisable to be prepared for some differences.

Regarding the variety of experiences, this area offers a range of activities to be enjoyed during both good and unfavourable weather. The best snow conditions can be experienced from December to April, with an average daily temperature of between -7 and -1°C, which is the ideal temperature for winter sports. Real spring arrives in May, providing a truly splendid show for visitors. Pack the umbrellas in June, as well as during the summer holidays. The temperature rises in June, but relatively humid air from the mountains brings more rain. The highest temperatures can be expected in July and August, with the average daily temperature ranging between 18 and 25°C. On tropical days, it is better to go to the mountains which provide ideal shelter from the heat of the town streets.

Do not be surprised by the intense thunderstorms brought about by the high temperatures and mountain air. September is a gorgeous and popular month for visitors. There is no threat of tropical heat in this period. However, the temperature maintains its normal summer average values. Days of sunshine are still plentiful, only the nights may be colder. The gloomy weather begins with the onset of October when the rains are still only sporadic, but the sunshine decreases and temperatures slowly drop. November is the month when Nature begins to prepare for the arrival of winter, so regular rain, snowfalls and low temperatures are more likely during this period. It is always important to keep in mind that you move at different altitudes in different locations in the Salzburg region, which is reflected by the temperature and frequent changes in the weather.